About Scattered Brain Matter

I started this blog to be able to post my writing up for the world to see. Obviously it hasn't really gone that far, but there are the few that do read this. I keep it up because it's a good outlet for my own mind and my writing. I hope that if you are reading, you enjoy.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Random Rant

I'm so lost when it comes to people these days. They continue to twist and turn into things that I don't necessarily like or can even deal with. It's frustrating. Damn it all. I guess there are really only the hand full of people that really mean anything. And then there are the numerous files of people on the side that mean something, but don't really hold any kind of flame in the light of recent things. I'm done burning candles for nothing. It's a waste of wax; a waste of time; a waste of precious things that I guess I can't really care to let go any more. Things are changing and I can see that in retrospect, I guess I just don't want them to.
There are things, people, even...tiny things that I miss, or I'm going to miss. It's sad. I love so openly and I get hurt over and over again. I almost just want to tell people to fuck off...I guess that would be just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of bullshit that happens throughout my daily life. It's something that I guess I'm going to have to deal with. Maybe I'll write about it. That's probably the best thing to do and it's something that I knew was going to happen...

More later.

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