About Scattered Brain Matter

I started this blog to be able to post my writing up for the world to see. Obviously it hasn't really gone that far, but there are the few that do read this. I keep it up because it's a good outlet for my own mind and my writing. I hope that if you are reading, you enjoy.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Magique Part 4

I made it to the Market and sprinted my way to Trek’s den and threw the curtain back. Trek was standing with his arms folded and a worried grimace on his face. Something wasn’t right.

“It’s over for him Anissa. You can’t help him,” he spoke slowly, walking closer to me.

“What are you talking about Trek? Is there no kind of antidote left?”

“It’s not that Anissa; he’s here.”

“Who, Christopher?”

“Yeah…running around like a madman through the Market; screaming your name and something about you promising him more Magique. He got away, but he’s a threat now and the Elders are going to kill him,” he put a heavy hand on my shoulder.

“I guess it really all will end with death. I need to find Christopher first. I’ll take care of him. I was careless and now I need to clean up my mess. Thanks for the help Trek. I don’t know if I’ll be back; but hopefully we’ll stay in touch,” I turned and walked away.

It was the end that I hoped would not happen. Killing Christopher was the only way I could keep him from being mutilated and destroyed by the Elders. It would hurt and I would feel the guilt of my stupid mistake for the rest of my life; but I would rather do it than let him suffer. He would die at my hands and I would appease the Elders. Christopher was too smart to not want to quit the Magique and let it go. He knew that it wasn’t some other street drug and that it had hidden powers and that he could find some way to use it. People like him were eventually turned into maniacs, psychopaths, and murderers. He would be a hindrance to himself and to our world. He would try to use the Magique and would kill people unknowingly. It was going to be painful but it was necessary and I would take it all in stride; like my mother had and my grandmother before her. It seemed to be the Halor curse to lose men that would get too close. Genetic curses were the only down side to Magique. I was getting sick of the side effects; both physical and emotional; that Magique brought. It was still my life and I needed to protect that.

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